Troilus Project

Project History

The Troilus project’s long history began with exploration work in the late 1950’s following the discovery of many erratic blocks containing copper and nickel anomalies. The Troilus property was initially staked by Kerr Addison and Minova; the project was then acquired by Inmet (formerly known as Metall) in 1993, and has been owned by First Quantum since 2014. Drilling began in 1986 (24 drill holes, totalling 3,590m), which led to the discovery of zone 86 (Z86). More claims were added to the property in 1987, where the Troilus mine would eventually be located. A large gold float dispersion train was found by prospecting and drilling (26 drill holes, totalling 4,413m), leading to the discovery of the main mineral body on the property, zone 87 (Z87), named after the year of its discovery. In 1991, anomalous gold-copper mineralization was confirmed in what is now known to be Zone J4 (J4). The Troilus mine began producing gold and copper in 1996 as a conventional open-pit operation. Over the life of the Troilus mine, 2 million ounces of gold and almost 70,000 tonnes of copper were produced.


Kerr Addison stakes over 1,500 claims in the Troilus area and discovers gold and copper.
Minnova options 50% interest in Troilus from Kerr Addison and becomes operator.
Metall Mining Corporation acquires 100% interest in Troilus.
Positive Feasibility Study completed based on a 10ktpd open-pit operation (Kilborn)
Construction of the Troilus Mine commences.
Metall Mining Corporation changes its name to Inmet Mining Corporation. 44 km access road from Route du Nord, a 137 km power line and two substations are completed.
Construction of the Toilus Mine completed, production commences.
Commercial Production – mill achieves 10,000 tpd
Inmet completed two mill expansions, increasing throughput from 10,000 tpd to 20,000 tpd by 2005
Mining at J4 Pit completed in May 2008
Mining at Z87 Pit completed, last truck load in April 2009.
Mill stops in June and is sold in September. Camp is sold in November, and subsequently dismantled.

Historic Troilus Mine