

As a past producing mine site and a potential future mine site, the Troilus property presents a unique set of circumstances for environmental stewardship. Diligent management of the tailings facility has demonstrated that rehabilitation is viable and achievable, while looking ahead we can incorporate new technology and thinking to ensure that we eliminate, minimize and mitigate impacts of our operations on the environment to maintain viability and diversity throughout the life cycle of the project and beyond.

We incorporate environmental considerations into all aspects our activities to identify, evaluate, and respond to watershed related risks and opportunities, implement measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address the effects of climate change and integrate biodiversity conservation in our plans to prevent, manage and mitigate the impact of our operations on surrounding habitat.

Working with Tugliq Énergie Co. to minimize and mitigate GHG emissions

Tugliq Energie Co LogoTroilus engaged Tugliq Énergie Co. in 2022 to conduct an inventory of its historical and current Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and to develop a road map toward a future carbon neutral mining operation.

Tugliq provides alternative energy solutions for autonomous networks, including remote communities and mining operations that rely on fossil fuels for energy generation, transportation, and heat. Tugliq is identifying opportunities where we can reduce or eliminate use of fossil fuels to minimize their resulting GHG emissions.

Environmental & Social Impact Assessments

The ESIA assesses the environmental, social and economic impacts of a proposed mining project and includes extensive consultations with local stakeholders, and in particular First Nations.

In May 2022, Troilus filed the Initial Project Description for the Troilus Project with the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (“IAAC”) at the Federal level of government and the Project Notice with the Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les Changements Climatiques (MELCC) at the Quebec Provincial level. The filing of the Initial Project Description and the Project Notice are the first step in the Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (“ESIA”), approval of which are required under Canadian and Quebec law in order for a mining project to proceed to construction and into production.

The Troilus environment team has been preparing for the start of the permitting process for a couple of years. This has included environmental baseline studies that consider the physical environment and biodiversity around the mine site over the different seasons, pre-consultation sessions with our local communities to identify priority issues and establishing important working relationships with government and community stakeholders. Since Troilus is also a closed mine site, having been in production from 1996 to 2010, we have a unique opportunity to benefit from the experience gained in the past and as we look ahead, we can incorporate First Nations knowledge of the land into our planning and design that will help us minimize and mitigate any future environmental impacts

Environmental Management Graph

Troilus has received approval from the MELCC (Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les Changements Climatiques du Quebec) for the dewatering of the of the J4 and 87 pits at the Troilus site. Dewatering of the pits is expected to take 1 to 2 years and will allow access to exploration targets that are currently underwater.

Dewatering of the J4 and 87 Pits

Troilus has received approval from the MELCC (Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les Changements Climatiques du Quebec) for the dewatering of the of the J4 and 87 pits at the Troilus site. Dewatering of the pits is expected to take 1 to 2 years and will allow access to exploration targets that are currently underwater.

Environmental Impact Study (Summary) – Dewatering of J4 and 87 Pits

Environmental Impact Study (French) - Dewatering of J4 and 87 Pits